When searching for OHSAS 14001 pdf, you are not likely to find any useful results as this standard does not exist.
The two relevant standards are ISO 14001 which is used to specify the requirements of an Environmental Management System, and ISO 45001 which is used to implement Occupational Health and Safety management systems.
The Effivity team has spent hours scrutinising ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards pdfs to learn exactly what they need to build into the software. This means you don’t need to download or look at a single ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards pdf, but can simply start using Effivity immediately.
Whether you want to implements management systems based on both of these standards, or only one of them, using Effivity integrated software is the easiest and most efficient way to do so.
There is no need to worry about or learn all the ISO 14001 or ISO 45001 requirements from a pdf, as you can be sure everything has been catered for and is ready for you to use.