ISO 9001 is the world’s most popular and widely recognized Quality Management system standard. ISO 9001 drives systems approach to quality management by establishing a structured Quality Management system in an organization. Process approach is the fundamental principle behind any Quality Management system that is based on ISO 9001. Organizations world over have benefited immensely by deploying ISO 9001 based Quality Management systems not only in terms of Quality improvement and customer satisfaction improvement but also in terms of improving their operational efficiencies. Typically, organizations develop their own Quality Management systems meeting the requirements of ISO 9001. The Quality Management system is specific and relevant to the organization while ISO 9001 is a generic standard that is applicable for any organization.
The use of software packages for deploying ISO 9001 based Quality Management has steadily increased over the years. These software packages have built in modules that automate the deployment of ISO 9001 processes. Typical processes that are automated by these packages are Risk Management, Quality objective, non conformance management, internal audit management, Management reviews and Purchase. Organizations derive multifold benefits by deploying this software in their ISO journey. Organizations are saved off the effort and time of understanding, interpreting ISO 9001 requirements and developing a Quality Management system. Moreover the process of deploying the Quality Management system becomes extremely simple; thanks to the clause wise modules that makes the entire process visible and manageable.
Effivity is one of the most popular ISO 9001 quality management software. Effivity is compliant to the latest version of ISO 9001 i.e. ISO 9001:2015. ISO 9001 clauses and requirements are translated in the most authentic and simplest way. The features of Effivity are understandable by any new user, without any handholding. Following are the major features / modules of Effivity
By using these features, an organization starts automatically building the necessary documentation and records which are required during the ISO 9001 certification body. Apart from automating the requirements of ISO 9001, Effivity seamlessly integrates the Quality Management system of the organization with the business processes, hence enabling realization of maximum benefits out of ISO 9001 based Quality Management system. Effivity enables you not just in the initial certification but also enables deployment of the Quality Management processes on a day to day basis. The deep expertise of the quality management consultants involved in the development of Effivity provides an additional edge to the user organizations i.e. the best practices in quality management that have been built into Effivity is additional advantage for the user organizations. The centralized document database of Effivity enables easier retrievability of documents, for audit purpose or otherwise. The different dashboards that Effivity provides are another value addition which enables the organization to manage their business processes in an efficient way.