Food and Retail

Food and Retail

Highly diverse, with increasing global competition and supply chains network across the world; Effivity QMS and HSE Management software solution facilitates in the delivery of quality products, uphold consumer confidence and maintain competitiveness in the food and retail industry.


  • Meet customer expectation in providing quality products and services by establishing and improving a result oriented quality management system. Effivity QMS enables the food and retail industry work at their maximum potential to control, monitor and improve effectiveness on processes and activities from raw material sourcing to the delivery of a final product consisting of activities from sourcing to logistics to warehouse to staff training to inventory management to retail operations and associated services.
  • Ensure compliance requirements of the legislation and compliance with applicable standards. Use the capability of the Context of Organization module of Effivity QMS in identifying stakeholders and their expectations. Map essential requirements of industry authorities and demonstrate conformity by utilizing the Compliance Obligation module of Effivity HSE Management solution.
  • Manage food operations and retail operations policies, objectives, processes, procedures and operating work instructions to standardize the processes with Effivity.
  • Effectively manage customer complaints and process deviations / non conformities with Effivity which ensures you work on root cause of the problem and work to ensure same problem does not reoccur.
  • Manage, evaluate, re-evaluate suppliers to ensure consistency of delivery of products and goods for the organization using purchase module which also allows for incoming inspection plan and inspection records.

Environment Management System ISO 14001 for food & retail companies with Effivity

  • Demonstrate to stakeholders the sustainable use of resources and mitigate the environmental impact by evaluating life cycle perspective of products / services with Effivity HSE Management solution. The HSE Planning module allows the Food and Retail industry to identify activities, services or products that directly and indirectly impact the environment, and institute the appropriate means of controls.
  • Control waste and mitigate environmental discharges; Effivity HSE Management Waste Management module permits the Food and Retail Industry to determine, profile, monitor and control waste generating processes. Assess the efficiency of processes and or controls with the Performance Evaluation module which can be translated as an environment risk management strategy.
  • Define EMS policy, objectives, operational control, emergency preparedness plans etc. with EMS module of Effivity to supercharge your ISO 14001 certification and implementation.

Health and Safety System ISO 45001 for food & retail industry with Effivity

  • Promote workplace safety and safeguard workforce wellbeing in the food and retail industry by using the risk assessment capability of the Effivity QMS and HSE Management Solution. Classify risks to prevent harm with the Risk and Opportunities module. Identify, effectively communicate hazards and the associated precautions by employing the HSE Planning Module.
  • Be prepared for the occurrence of incidents or emergencies in the workplace; take advantage of the functionalities of the HSE Operation module of Effivity HSE Management solution. Identify incidents/emergencies and establish the appropriate response. Obtain traceable records of incidents to build up data for trends and analysis.
  • Ensure that the workforce is trained in the correct use of personal protective equipment (PPE); Effivity QMS solution HR module enables the food and retail industry to identify the training needs and conduct training needs analysis of the workforce. The HSE Operation module of Effivity HSE Management allows the industry to identify the PPE requirement per process or activity and ensures that these line of protection are fit for use.