

The government organizations / departments / units / companies face the same challenges as the private sector. Issues over efficiency, quality services and other operational concerns are a few of these. Effivity QMS and HSE Management software solution aids the government departments and services to overcome these challenges by implementing ISO 9001, ISO 14001 & ISO 45001 standards using world’s leading ISO software that is trusted by organizations across the world.

Quality Management System ISO 9001 for government organizations with Effivity

  • Consolidate and streamline processes with Effivity QMS solution. Identify the government stakeholders, determine their requirements and develop strategies to fulfill expectations. Maintain transparency by actively engaging stakeholders, have the capability to unify, trace and rapidly retrieve standard operating procedures and pertinent documentations.
  • Improve response time and service quality. Effivity QMS facilitates the Plan-Do-Check-Act management process. Establish key performance indicators and evaluate their efficiency, identify improvement opportunities, determine and eliminate unnecessary processes.
  • Ensure quality of contracted services. Effivity QMS enables the straightforward supply chain management. Identify the needs for services and institute acceptance criteria, evaluate and accredit providers on their capability and capacity to deliver and meet set standards. Readily re-evaluate suppliers’ processes and management system.
  • Manage purchase, HR, operations and stakeholder / user related processes in a streamlined manner resulting in continual improvement of processes.
  • Manage internal audits / regulatory audits and management reviews easily and automatically.

Environment Management System ISO 14001 for government organizations with Effivity

  • Be a champion for sustainability and demonstrate environmental stewardship in the government by using Effivity HSE Management solution.
  • Evaluate processes and identify the potential environmental externalities and waste generation associated with activities. Institute mitigating actions and validate the efficacy of installed controls. Optimize the utilization of resources and be energy efficient by employing the Waste management module.
  • Explore the viability of the alternative energy-efficient and cost-reducing options by capitalizing on the functionalities of the Risk and Opportunity module.
  • Carry out aspect – impact assessment, identify significant aspects, plan mitigation strategies, develop operational control, demonstrate compliance to these controls and enhance overall EMS performance.

Health and Safety

  • Ensure safety in the workplace for the workforce and the public. Effivity QMS and HSE Management solution allows the government organizations to:
    • Readily assess the fitness-for-use of assets and facilities. Generate a risk register with the Risk and Module and process vast amount of asset data by employing the Reports/Analysis module to make timely and informed decisions in support of the management of assets.
    • Identify hazards in the workplace and hazardous activities by conducting systematic risk assessments with the HSE Planning module. Effectively manage the safety and security of the workforce and the public, avoid preventable injuries, costly accidents and disruptions. Reinforce a positive working environment, curtail work related illness and absences due to inhospitable working conditions, surroundings and ill conduct.
    • Prepare for contingencies; the HSE Operations module facilitates emergency and crisis management. Develop emergency and disaster plans, communicate coordinate these plans to stakeholders and government agencies. Evaluate the efficiency of response plans and be capable of managing the aggressive nature of disasters with emergency drills. Be ready to respond, provide assistance and save lives.

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Understand how Effivity can help you enhance Quality – Occupational Health & Safety – Environment Compliance with QHSE automation.

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Improve processes, productivity, performance & profitability with superior Quality-Health & Safety-Environment Management System