The business world of the 21st century is a radically different place than even two decades ago. Government agencies and the public itself have high expectations regarding how organisations should act, think, express their opinions and conduct their business. These expectations are most evident when looking at how companies interact with and manage their impact on the environment.
That’s why we’ve introduced Effivity, a state-of-the-art Environmental Management System software designed to keep your business a step ahead of the ever-changing regulatory landscape. This easy-to-use, fully integrated solution set keeps your company in check when it comes to risk mitigation and compliance, but more importantly, Effivity integrates respect for the environment and robust sustainability practices into your workplace’s culture.
This Software as a Service (SaaS) starts by helping key influencers at the company select milestones, goals and regulations that must be enforced as per local, national and international regulations. From there, plans are made to mitigate risk when any sort of environmental incident occurs.
The software is able to schedule, perform and analyse audits and inspections; offer improvement plans and correction actions based on what sort of mishap occurred; and measure and monitor all critical aspects of the process in an attempt to find areas of clutter, bottlenecking or a breakdown in communication.
As your company evolves its environmental management, so too will the SaaS grow, allowing for the development of benchmarking performances for future comparison. This will give your company a head-start on compliance with ISO 14000 as well as cultivating excellence in your emergency response teams and procedures.
A big part of performance success is due to the software solution’s use of personalised dashboards for every employee involved in the environmental management process. With its simple-to-understand interface, the dashboard soon becomes second nature for those involved and quickly becomes part of their daily routine, allowing them to enter data and check off to-dos at a rapid, efficient pace. When employees see their actions result in goals met and milestones achieved, a natural feeling of excitement occurs. This is the way team motivation is built. With our Environmental Management System software humming on all cylinders, key personnel can track and report all metrics related to environmental safety and sustainability processes.
Understand how Effivity can help you save more money, time and resources.
Emissions monitoring and measuring - This data can be recorded, monitored and analyzed from one location or multiple locations.
Permits - The permitting process is vital to your organisational success but can often fall through the cracks because of the extreme forward-thinking deadlines that are sometimes congruous with the process.
Environmental Incidents - When there is reason to report something to a regulatory agency, Effivity’s Environmental Management System software systematically walks your key personnel through the process to minimise mistakes, double reporting, and so on.
Effivity’s Environmental Management System can upgrade your company’s time and cost savings quickly and methodically, giving you a rapid return on investment. When you’re ready for your firm to evolve to the next level of compliance with a SaaS that guarantees ease of use and offers real-time analytics, we’re ready to serve you.
Trusted by Companies in over 134 Countries
Improve processes, productivity, performance & profitability with superior Quality-Health & Safety-Environment Management System