More than any other component of your organisation, health and safety can’t be defined merely by numbers; it is defined by people, by results, and by the conscientious effort of every single employee to promote a safe workplace. A guarantee that everyone who comes to work each morning will make it home safely with a job well done is a fundamental standard to a successful organisation.
Health and safety management isn’t just about recording and investigating on-site accidents. It’s about exploring near misses and identifying dangerous conditions. It’s about educating your staff on a continuous basis to watch out for signs of trouble, and it’s about using the motivational tools of promoting goals and milestones as things to be proud of and to celebrate and not just another line of copy for the company’s marketing materials.
Those principles are the driving force behind Effivity’s Health and Safety Management software solutions. Every on-the-job injury, or incident involving a company vehicle or piece of equipment, as well as all incidents classified as near misses are broken down into four stages - preliminary reports, full-fledged investigations, risk assessment studies and a closing statement.
All those functions are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what our Health and Safety Management software can do. With its remarkable usability, the software allows key stakeholders to create and set safety goals and milestones that are instantly delivered to the personalised dashboards of every employee in the company and are then updated as they are met, modified, or missed. It is a simple fact that people everywhere are more aware of goals and more driven to meet them when they are visualised. The Effivity Health and Safety Management software dashboards automatically allow visualisation of all important data.
As data is collected, the Effivity software begins building analytics to define the strengths and weaknesses of your company. Commonly used analytics include behaviour-based safety models, job safety analysis, and ergonomics analysis, and based on your company needs and wants, these reports can span an unlimited array of data points.
With so much available data at your disposal, Effivity’s Health and Safety Management software allows companies to do something that most firms rarely think about. Instead of priding themselves on quick reaction times to injuries and accidents, businesses use our Software as a Solution (SaaS) as a predictive technology, identifying key areas of weakness and concern and addressing them with key personnel to make improvements before the accidents even have a chance to occur.
No safety plan will ever be perfect. Things will slip through the cracks and result in bodily harm or damage to equipment or vehicles. The goal here is not perfection, but rather the advancement of the entire safety culture of your organisation beyond the point of view of “me” and into the broad landscape view of “we”. Our Health and Safety Management software can be the canvas upon which that landscape is painted, combining technology, transparency and teamwork into a better tomorrow.
Trusted by Companies in over 134 Countries
Improve processes, productivity, performance & profitability with superior Quality-Health & Safety-Environment Management System